Kid Sideled

Kid Sideled

Profile: Brockwell Lawrencer is a 16 year old young American veteran humanoid border collie in the Unite states Military unit forces. 

Back in his memories he was raised by his canine parents and in his school he studied militaristic defense system as a test at the age of 13 and decided to join to help out new comrades. but when the futuristic cataclysmic warfare has happen a year later Brockwell joins the military unit to stop the evil general mace from harming the world as the elite fighting soldier and combatant Kid Sideled because his marksman skill as precisive and his martial art abilities are unique he met Kid Soldier, Kid Striker and his entire friends & allies to fight off the imperialistic onslaught who are sent from their biggest adversary general mace their enemy for many years of his entire life as one of their greatest allies and close friends. recently since general mace at again on his sinister bent on global domination, General Phoenix talked to Kid Sideled/Brockwell about recent attack on globe led by mace and decided that He joined & Reunite with Kid soldier and his allies to stop the evil dictator General mace from achieving his plan of taking over the globe and the entire earth.  

Personality: Brockwell's a calm, strong willed, eased in, relaxed and focused veteran who’s a tough strategist against his enemies but a very friendly and understandable humanoid canine. He loves the peaceful life on the world before the war has happen. He has a strong powerful since of justice and rectitude that he never let a single threat to have their way to bring misery to innocent people & defenseless. Brockwell is a young heroic person that always cares for his friends and allies at the end. 

Signature Moves:

Right Arrow+ A Key: Cycle Crosser

A Key: Hydraulic missile 

UpArrow +A: Flash Coulometer 

DownRigh Arrow+A: Sniping charge

DownArrow + A: Harbert Smash